Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Met up with an old friend. Mr ZZ.
It has been 4 years already!!

The Klang people

The Happy People
*Where Zhi Hui received her BIG surprise from BOM & lip*

Thanks to Justin, the VIP of the night, we manage to hold this small yam char session in my recent favourite hang out place in SS15 call Wings.
It was a little crowded that night.

There was one waiter who was a little bit blur.
And Little Ms Joo took advantage of his blurness with her "super powers".
Naughty Little Ms Joo!!

The waiter that got bullied vs mischievous Joo

Friday, June 18, 2010

My Music My Life

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Sweet Tooth

You both just made my day ^^

Thursday, June 10, 2010


人生就像一场戏 , 因为有缘才相聚
相扶到老不容易 , 是否更该去珍惜
为了小事发脾气 , 回头想想又何必
别人生气我不气 , 气出病来无人替
我若气死谁如意 , 况旦伤神又费力
邻居亲朋不要比 , 儿孙琐事由他去
吃苦享乐在一起 , 神山羡慕好伴侣

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Disney Classic

They make me feel young again!

For the extra info,
apparently Snow White (1937) is the first fairy tale movie by Disney.

Friday, June 4, 2010



I just miss them

* Picture obtain from number four.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I'm Sorry

"Apologizing does not always mean that you are wrong and the other person is right.
It just means that you value the relationship more than your Ego."

(A Friend, 2010)

*Picture taken from Google