Thursday, September 30, 2010


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Bye Summer

Today marks the day where summer meets autumn.

See you next year!

Monday, September 13, 2010

A lil walk.....

Started off with blackberry picking!!!
Not really picking..
Pick and eat on the spot LOL!
They are in season now.
This fruit just grow wild!
Every where I walked I can see ripped berries.
Makan berries sambil jalan.

Juicy and sweet

Paddy Field

Harvesting with the "Monster"

After harvest

Animals everywhere

Ugly Duckling training in process by mama swan

Moooooooooo... Don't kacau me makan

Is black, is white

"What are you looking at =.="
They are so funny. When I walk near them, they start running in zeek zack motion.

This horse was the friendliest.
I did not need to walk towards it, it came over to us for a pet. ^^
And pose for a picture too!

2 pair of doves

Footpath in the woods

Train tracks. Choo chooooooo

Chooo Choooo~~
No choo choo.. It was VROOooooOOoooM!!!!!!!!!!!!
My cap flew off!! It was running at 100mph!! That is how the word 'oomph' came about.

2 hours walk. My legs were as wobbly as jelly.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Open Air Movie

Manage to had a chance to watch movie in a park for FREE!! ^^
Was showing "Dirty Dancing" that day
The show was sponsored which allows the locals to watch the movie for free.
It's not a new movie but the atmosphere of watching movie in the open air sounds like fun!
The only condition is we have to bring our own chairs or mads to sit on.

It was drizzling that evening, that's why people are carrying umbrellas.

It got colder when the movie was about to end. LUCKILY!
I was shivering towards the end!!

It was an experience. Nice to do it again ^^

Friday, September 3, 2010

The Blind Side

Based on a true story