Friday, May 7, 2010

台北 - 台湾 [Taipei - Taiwan]

台北 [Central of Taipei]

国立国富纪念馆 [Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall]

中正纪念馆 [Taiwan Democracy Memorial Hall]

They have four entrance. This is one of them.

故宫博物院 [National Palace Museum]

台北 101 [Taipei 101]

乌来乡[Wu Lai Village]

Fresh Prawns and Fish

Yam Cake

Fresh Bamboos

Clockwise: Beef Tender with Potato Rice, Oyster with Potato Rice,
Beef Noodles, Spicy Beef Noodles

深坑 [Shen Keng]

The Best Smelly Toufu

So they say

This street is the "toufu" street, 95% of the shops sells toufu!!


Not Bad

深坑树 "Shen Keng's Tree"

五分埔 [Wu Fen Pu]
It's a shopping paradise. Every shop is selling clothes!!
But TOOOO many varieties until we don't know how start or how to shop..
And forgot to take pictures too....